oefening 3

simple past / verleden tijd

2e rij oww of ww+d/ed/ied

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Klik de "Hint" knop om je een letter te geven als je problemen hebt met een antwoord.
Let wel !! Je percentage zal wel naar beneden gaan als je de "Hint" knop gebruikt !!

1. Yesterday father (wash) his car.
2. I know. You (help) him last time.
3. That’s right, but he (do) it alone last Sunday.
4. Why ? Well, I (play) the guitar in my room an hour ago.
5. Dave (work) in a supermarket last Friday.
6. He (take) the bike to work.
7. Is that your mother ? Yes, she (mend) my shirt yesterday evening.
8. Is it a new shirt ? Oh yes, I (buy) new clothes last month.
9. Look, that’s my dog; he (walk) in the garden yesterday.
10. What a nice animal ! Our cat always (sleep) when she was still with us.
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